Looking for friends to just hand with and have fun with. I love gaming and listening to music. I'm 25 years young but would love to get to know some people. I started SecondLife a few months ago so I still knew. Would love to meet some genuine ppl!
Hi, I'm in SL for a little over a year and I'm mostly on my own. I'd like to meet friends who I could hang out with so I won't be alone all the time. In SL I mostly shop, modify my avi or take pictures (which I'm not good at lol) but I'm for anything which could be fun. In RL, I'm from Europe. Czech or English language - if you speak slowly we can voice. I'm a fan of Chinese costume drama and novels, pop. My active time in SL is usually during weekends - in working days I'm usually AFK at some club while working. IM me in-world if you want.
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